How to hold a fundraiser during challenging times.

And help small businesses at the same time!

It’s 2021 and the world is changing on a daily basis: quarantines, lockdowns, scarcity. But we know this is temporary, and that eventually we will be back to what is normal life — sports, community events, social gatherings.

But in the meantime, how can you raise funds for your team or group when you’re encouraged to stay home or avoid contact with others?

Fundraising cannot be ignored, even at a time like this, when public gatherings are scarce. Our fundraising tool involves producing and selling discount cards to the local community. And it can all be done without face to face contact.


The Roster Rocket discount card program involves the support of local businesses, at an amount of their choosing. Discount offers from the businesses are printed on cards and sold by team members to the local community. Patrons simply show the card to get year-long discounts.

Businesses enjoy the repeated exposure to the community, with increased business! The community wins by getting one-of-a-kind discounts! And your team wins — with amazing profits!

In the kit, you’ll find the 3 easy steps to get rolling with the program:

Step 1.

Ask local businesses for a special offer for your patrons. Our kit includes a flyer to distribute to your team, explaining the Roster Rocket program, and a flyer to send to prospective participants.

Step 2.

Order cards and distribute to the team members. You’ll choose from a selection of professionally designed cards, customized for your group or team. (Designs here)

Step 3.

Sell the cards & watch the profits roll in! Check out the chart below to see how easy it is to gain huge profits.


Here are some good questions and additional tips:

What do you say to the local businesses, many of whom are possibly closing or at least doing less business in recent weeks?

I would focus on the fact that this fundraiser involves their support with no payment to the booster club. The business decides on an offer and when business is running again, they’ll offer it to their existing customers and also attract many new customers.

How do we run this program without making contact with people?

You can do most communications through email. Email or call the possible businesses to explain the program and get their offer. Collect the offers and submit them to Roster Rocket, where you’ll choose your card design.

Promote the fundraiser on your website and social media, and you can take orders online, by email or by phone. Usually each team player is given a certain amount of cards they need to sell. Then you can simply mail the cards to the purchasers.
